Abington Cable Advisory Committee
The Cable Advisory Committee (CAC) is a five-member committee appointed by the Board of Selectmen and advises the town on any issues with the cable providers (Comcast & Verizon) for the Town of Abington.
The CAC is responsible to negotiate a license agreement with the cable providers (Comcast & Verizon) for final approval by the Board of Selectmen.
Additional responsibilities and Goals
Inform and educate the public about cable television service;
Assess the cable needs of the community and recommend policy changes;
Conduct regular meetings with cable provider representatives (Comcast & Verizon) to discuss matters of mutual interest;
Report to the Selectmen and Town Manager on provider (Comcast & Verizon) compliance with the license;
Supervise the cable provider’s (Comcast & Verizon) response to complaints;
Respond to residents' questions regarding the cable television system; and
Keep abreast of community programming issues.
The Abington CAC is considered a "governmental body" within the purview of the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law, G.L. c. 268A.
Board Members
Name | Title |
Peter Walters | Chairman |
Lisa Bezanson | Board Member |
John Atanga | Board Member |
Get Involved
Positions are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Complete the Board and Committees Application to apply.