Abington Cable Advisory Committee

The Cable Advisory Committee (CAC) is a five-member committee appointed by the Board of Selectmen and advises the town on any issues with the cable providers (Comcast & Verizon) for the Town of Abington. 

The CAC is responsible to negotiate a license agreement with the cable providers (Comcast & Verizon) for final approval by the Board of Selectmen.

Additional responsibilities and Goals

  • Inform and educate the public about cable television service;

  • Assess the cable needs of the community and recommend policy changes;

  • Conduct regular meetings with cable provider representatives (Comcast & Verizon) to discuss matters of mutual interest;

  • Report to the Selectmen and Town Manager on provider (Comcast & Verizon) compliance with the license;

  • Supervise the cable provider’s (Comcast & Verizon) response to complaints;

  • Respond to residents' questions regarding the cable television system; and

  • Keep abreast of community programming issues.

The Abington CAC is considered a "governmental body" within the purview of the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law, G.L. c. 268A.

Board Members



Peter Walters


Lisa Bezanson

Board Member

John Atanga

Board Member

Get Involved

Positions are appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  Complete the Board and Committees Application to apply.