MBTA/3A Communities

In January 2021, the Massachusetts Legislature adopted an Economic Development Bond Bill that made changes to the state's Zoning Act. Among other housing-related changes, the law created a new section (Section 3A) of the Zoning Act that requires each municipality in the MBTA district to zone for multifamily housing by right. Failure to comply with Section 3A makes the noncompliant community ineligible for certain state funding programs.
Abington is presently in interim compliance with the MBTA Communities requirements. Based on the final Guidelines issued by the Department of Housing and Community Development, Abington would be required to adopt by-right multi-family zoning in one or more districts consisting of a minimum of 50 acres with a minimum unit capacity of 1022 units (15%). A portion of this district must also be within ½ mile of the commuter rail station.
The Planning Board will have this item on its agenda starting in January through April to answer any questions residents may have. If you are unable to attend a meeting but wish to ask a question, please email Liz Shea or call 781-982-0069.
Frequently Asked Questions
Staff Contacts
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Liz Shea |