Sidewalk Reconstruction & Bicycle Lanes - INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC MEETING
POSTED ON: APRIL 27, 2023 - 3:54PM
May 16, 2023
Abington Town Hall 6:00pm
Cotter Room 2nd Floor
Complete Streets Project
Washington St. Sidewalk Reconstruction & Bicycle Lanes
The Abington DPW will be hosting an informational public meeting on May 16, 2023, at 6:00pm. This meeting is open to the public to discuss the Complete Streets program grant work that is taking place on Washington Street this summer. The DPW received a grant from MassDOT’s Complete Steet Funding Program in the amount of $495,271.96. The project will consist of reconstructing the existing sidewalk and wheelchair ramps along the eastern side of Washington Street between Beaver Brook Elementary entrance and Lantern Lane to be ADA compliant. There will also be an approximate 1.5 miles of dedicated bike lanes where feasible within the existing roadway width (from United Church of Christ to Trucchi’s) to allow safe access to and from schools and recreation facilities.
If you can not attend and would like to join the meeting VIA ZOOM, please use the link below:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 812 1655 4019 Passcode: 635279