In July, the Fire Department and DPW project committee provided their recommendations to the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager. Their charge was to identify the needs of the departments and provide requisite plans. The committee did their due diligence and delivered a detailed project with a total cost of $58.3 Million.
Since releasing the cost and providing estimates of the individual costs for tax payers, we have heard the same resounding message; Residents know we need these facilities but the $58.3 Million cost is too high and too much of a burden on tax payers.Understanding residents’ concerns, our Town Manager has worked with the OPM, architects, engineers, Fire Chief, DPW Director, and several committee members to reduce the scope of the project by 34% which would cost $38.5 million. The differences in the new project include:
- Reduced Fire Station foot print
- Removal of DPW Offices (They will remain at their current summer street location)
- The DPW project will only consist of a new salt shed and DPW Vehicle Storage facility
All buildings would be situated on the Central Street lot to allow for future consideration of additions or new buildings as the need and financial ability arises.
The Town Manager and Department Heads are working closely together to provide all the details residents need to make their decision at the Town Meeting on Saturday, October 14 and Special Election on Saturday, October 21.