Public Hearing, September 18, 2023 at 6pm

On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 6PM the Planning Board will hold a joint public hearing with the Southfield Redevelopment Authority at Abington Town Hall regarding proposed zoning changes at the formal Naval Air Base. The zoning changes will be on the Special Town Meeting Warrant on October 14, 2023.

Synopsis of changes:

The Southfield Redevelopment Authority, working with the new Master Developer (a joint effort between Brookfield Properties and New England Development), unanimously adopted a new Redevelopment Plan on March 15, 2023. To implement the vision set forth in the Redevelopment Plan, the SRA, in cooperation with the Master Developer, has developed updated zoning for the Base, which consists of a new zoning map and an amended and restated bylaw. Pursuant to the Enabling Legislation, the updated zoning must be approved by each of the Towns with land within the Base. Weymouth unanimously approved the map and bylaw on June 26, 2023.

The following bullets summarize the proposed Map and Bylaw:

Proposed Zoning Map

  • Retains existing zoning districts where development has occurred
  • Delineates one consolidated Open Space district on the perimeter of the base
  • Creates one new Mixed Use Development District (MUDD) over all undeveloped areas

Proposed Zoning Text

  • Implements the Redevelopment Plan
  • Maintain and recites the general provisions (authority, purpose, etc.)
  • Maintains existing rules of the road for completed properties
  • Creates a new Article 7A outlining the terms and provisions for a new MUDD covering the remaining developable area


See attachments for more information: 

SRA Public Meeting

Map SWNAS Central Redevelopment Area

New SRA Zoning bylaw

SRA Zoning Map