This notice is to inform you that you may experience a period of discolored or rusty water on Friday February 9, 2024 from approximately 9am - noon. We are performing maintenance operations at the Myers Ave Treatment Plant that may cause directional changes in the normal flow of the water mains in sections of Abington. When this happens, it can cause periods of discolored water. We will make every effort possible to prevent or reduce the disturbance to the water mains. The areas most likely affected are Walnut St, Ashland St. and Summer St. and the side streets and neighborhoods around these streets.


If you find you are affected with discolored water, it will settle out when the maintenance is complete. We recommend you run your cold water tap until the water clears up. We also recommend delaying laundry, particularly white laundry, until the water is clear again. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please understand that this is a necessary and important part of keeping the water system safe and we will do everything we can to prevent or keep the water disturbance to a minimum during the process.


Again, we apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding during this process.


Abington Rockland Joint Water Works

366 Centre Ave. Rockland MA 02370
