At the February 27 Board of Selectmen's meeting, Abington was presented with close to $500,000 of funding through the American Rescue Plan Act to be used to address PFAS in our water. The funding is being used to install the best technology available to remove 100% of PFAS from Abington Rockland Joint Waterworks' water. The Town of Rockland was awarded a similar amount, as well.
Representative Stephen F. Lynch and others made great addresses at the meeting, expressing his support of the grant and project, "This is one of the best uses of federal resources...You are impacting something that is important to every single man, woman, and child."
The check was presented by Congressmen Lynch, State Senator John F. Keenan, State Representative Alyson Sullivan-Almeida, County Commissioners Jared Valanzola and George Hanley, and County Treasurer Thomas O'Brien.