Dear Abington Voter,
On Thursday, April 11 it was brought to my attention that I inadvertently listed the candidates incorrectly on the April 27, Annual Town Election ballot. In the provisions of Mass General Law candidates running for office must be listed in alphabetical order with incumbents listed first with the words “Candidate for Re-Election.” I apologize for any inconvenience and confusion that this may have caused.
Once it was realized, I stopped the use of Absentee Voting/Early Voting and the mailing of ballots. New ballots have been ordered and should arrive Tuesday, April 16, 2024. The corrected ballots properly identify Tim Chapin as the incumbent, with the other two selectmen candidates, Paul Bunker and Roger Woods listed alphabetically.
Voters wishing to vote Absentee/Early may do so when the correct ballots are available at the Town Clerk’s office.
I will continue to work with Town Counsel to ensure that the election moves along seamlessly and to ensure that every vote counts.
Voter actions:
· Already returned Absentee/Early ballot: No action is necessary, your vote will be counted. If you would like a new ballot to be sent to you, please call, or come by the Town Clerk’s Office.
· Not yet returned Absentee/Early ballot: Voters can still use this ballot and return it by mail, in-person to the Town Clerk’s Office, or the designated ballot collection box in front of Town Hall.
· Absentee/Early Voting: Absentee/Early Voting will resume when the new ballots arrive. New ballots are expected to be received on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
Absentee/Early voting is available at the Town Clerk’s office during Town Hall business hours. Monday - Thursday from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM and Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM. (Please note Town Hall is closed Monday, April 15, 2024, in observance of Patriot’s Day.)
Please reach me at 781-982-2112 or email, with any questions.
Leanne M. Adams
Town Clerk