On Wednesday morning, September 11 the Town of Abington held a memorial event to recognize the 2,977 lives lost, the many first responders who experienced later health issues, and the sacrifices made on September 11, 2001.
Abington's 9/11 Memorial event was at the 911 Memorial Beam located on Central Street in front of the Police Station. The road was closed and the Fire Department hung a large American flag from its ladder truck.
The respectful program included remarks from Selectman Board Chair Kevin Donovan, Historical Society of Old Abington member and Memorial Beam designer Doug Ulwick, and Reverend Kristy Colburn. At 8:46AM there was a moment of silence recognizing the time Flight 11 struck the North Tower.
Many members of the Abington Police and Fire Departments joined the ceremony along with students from St. Bridgets and community members.