Abington Election Recap

By the numbers:

9,582 Total Voters

4,908 voted early either in-person or by mail

48 poll staff (checkers/clerks/wardens)


In the past nine months, Abington’s Town Clerk’s office hosted five elections. Each election, especially the Presidential election, takes an enormous amount of work and planning to ensure the process goes smoothly.


The Clerk’s office and volunteers undergo hours of training in-house and with the State agencies. They work tirelessly to ensure both early voting and in-person voting are efficient and secure. It is a tremendous effort and we are grateful for all who make it possible.


The planning and execution takes work for many internal and external Town Departments and organizations:

·      Public Works transports the voting equipment, and sets up signage and ensures easy access for voters.

·      The School Department, Beaver Brook Elementary School staff, and custodian Neil Johnson all make Beaver Brook a functioning and welcoming polling location.

·      Abington Post Office, Postmaster, and Town Hall’s local carrier all work diligently to ensure mailed ballots are safe and secure.

·      The Lions Club keeps poll workers well fed throughout their long shifts.

·      Community volunteers and Town Hall staff all step up to help the Clerk’s office in different ways both leading up to the election and on voting day.

·      The Abington Police ensure our polling location is secure, traffic is moving and connect with residents during voting.


Our Town Clerk Leanne Adams would like to personally thank all the staff and volunteers who directly and indirectly made Abington’s five elections a success in 2024! Her office also wants to thank Abington’s residents and voters for their support and patience during an incredibly busy year.


Review Abington’s Presidential Election Results