Department Spotlight


Department: Abington Public Library




The Abington Public Library has been providing resources and programs that enhance learning and cultural connections for all residents since 1878.  As it outlines in its latest strategic plan, APL prioritizes community, connections, collaboration, and respect.


In its physical space, located at 600 Gliniewicz Way, resources and programming  are offered in a variety of spaces including a large Children’s Room (serving newborns to 5th grade), Young Adult Room, a 90-person meeting room, two small Study Rooms, and many comfortable spots to read and learn.


Library card holders can access a large variety of free digital resources like e- newspapers, movies and music, Abington High School Year Books, genealogy, English to Speakers of Other Languages and SO much more!


APL’s programming is the cornerstone of its community building. From Toddler Time to Lego Club and Book Clubs to Adult Crafts, the APL staff work diligently to develop and offer programs that appeal to all patrons. Stay up to date with APL’s Event Calendar and subscribe to their monthly newsletter “All Around the APL”


As a member of the Old Colony Library Network (OCLN) Cardholders at the Abington Public Library are eligible to use the resources of all of the OCLN libraries. OCLN is a cooperative of 28 member libraries on the South Shore. OCLN membership includes 26 town and city libraries and 2 academic libraries.


The APL is led by Director Deborah Grimmett and governed by the Board of Library Trustees.


In addition to traditional library materials like books, it offers museum and attraction passes, Chromebook and hotspots for residents to borrow.  Come on in and Check. It. Out! 



APL 2025 Goals


APL is continuing to expand our growing collection of books in Brazilian Portuguese for children and encourage English language learner families to register for library cards.   


To encourage adult readers to enjoy The Berry Pickers, our Abington Reads 2025 title, culminating with a visit from author Amanda Peters on Sunday April 6th at 2:00 PM.  The program schedule for Abington Reads 2025 will be available in late January/early February.



Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: How do I borrow eBooks?


A: Come in and see us! We can get you started borrowing eBooks from Libby and Hoopla.  The process is easy, and we will be happy to walk you through it.

Libby offers online instructions. Learn more about borrowing through Hoopla.


Q: Can you help me access government websites such as the MA Department of Motor Vehicles or Social Security?


A: Yes, we can help you get to these resources and give you some general pointers on using them. Due to legal concerns, we cannot complete government forms for you; that is not allowed by either the state or Federal government. We will provide you with as much help as we legally can.


Q: When is Drop-In Toddler Time?


A: Drop-In Toddler Time is held on Monday mornings at 10:30. Bring your little ones and join Miss Sandy and the crew for stories, songs, a puppet friend and egg shakers or scarves. Toddler Time is an early literacy experience that will help children develop school readiness skills.


Q. When is the library open?

APL is open 53.5 hours per week, including four nights per week and Saturdays from Labor Day through mid-June.  The only change in hours for the summer is that the Library is closed on Saturdays.  


Access our digital resources any time! We have extensive digital content, including eBooks, eAudio, streaming video and eMagazines, available twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year on our website


Employee Spotlights


Name:  Joanne Plunkett                            

Position:  Library Assistant                                     

Joanne PlunkettJoanne Plunkett has worked at the Abington Public Library for eight years. As a library assistant, Joanne works the Circulation Desk, greeting and assisting patrons, creating new patron cards, checking books out to patrons, placing holds and providing reader’s advisory help, answering the phone and shelving returned books.  She also processes new Children’s and Teen Books.

Joanne shared her favorite aspect of her job, “Chatting with our patrons, whether it be a brand new patron or one of our regulars.  It’s always fun to get and give book recommendations."


Jonathan gillis

 Name: Jonathan Gillis

Position:  Library Assistant  

Jonathan joined the APL Team two years ago as a library assistant. While patrons can find him at the circulation desk, Jonathan also takes on another important role behind the scenes by updating APL’s website and calendar and designing PR posters.


Ready… Set… Lego!  Jonathan’s favorite part of his job is leading APL’s monthly Lego Club. Kids in K and older join together for a half hour of creativity and building each month.