Tax Possession Auction
To Whom It May Concern:
You are hereby notified that:
Under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 60 § 77B, and by virtue of the power vested in me as Tax Title Custodian of the Town of Abington, it is my intention to sell at public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 2025, at 3:00 P.M. EST at 78 LINDA STREET, ABINGTON, MA 02351, the
following described properties:
78 Linda Street, Abington Assessors’ Map 004, Lot 195 Initial Deposit: $20,000.00
Property Location: 78 Linda Street
Land in said Abington with the buildings thereon situated at 78 LINDA ST containing 6,914 square feet more or less, shown as parcel 195 on Assessor's map 04. Registered in Plymouth County District of the Land Court, Doc #00854782 noted on Certificate of Title No. 137215, being Lot 114 on p3 of plan 17975M filed with Certificate of Title 114374.
Taking Registered with Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court, Document No. 00755145, noted on Certificate of Title No. 120471.
Judgment Registered with Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court, Document No. 00842109 noted on Certificate of Title No. 120471.
Order for Issuance of New Certificate of Title Registered in Plymouth County District of the Land Court, Doc #00854782 noted on Certificate of Title No. 137215.
862 Brockton Ave., Abington Assessors’ Map 003, Lot 054 Deposit: $10,000.00
Property Location: 862 Brockton Ave.
Land in said Abington with the buildings thereon situated at 863 BROCKTON AV, containing 8714 square feet more or less, shown a parcel 054 on Assessor's Map 03. Recorded in Land Court, Cert. of Title #102089. Being Lot 6 on Division Plan #29365B filed with Certificate of Title #30368.
Taking Registered with Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court, Document No. 00719560, Certificate of Title No. 102089, on April 18, 2014. Reference is also made to the Affidavit recorded at Plymouth County Registry of Deeds, Book 34078, Page 138, on February 6, 2007.
Judgment Registered with Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court, Document No. 00847580, Certificate of Title No. 102089 on November 20, 2023.
Order for issuance of new Certificate of Title Registered with Plymouth County Registry District of the Land Court, Document No. 00853910, Certificate of Title No. 137090 on August 2, 2024.
The properties will be sold “as is” with no warranty or representation as to marketability of title, to build-ability, or other productive use, either alone or in combination with other land. The successful bidder(s) at said auction will be required to submit an initial deposit in the amount set forth above for each respective property. The Town may require additional deposits in an equal amount within twenty-four (24) hours of the close of the auction.
For each parcel, payment of the balance of the consideration, plus a buyer’s premium equivalent to 7.0% of the final sale price, will be due no later than 30 days after the date of said auction, or at such other time as determined by the Tax Title Custodian, as well as a special assessment of $4,500.00 or such other sum as is required to cover the legal fees of the sale. The successful bidder(s) will be responsible for payment of pro-rata taxes allocable to the days ensuing in the current fiscal year after the date of such deed, plus any pro-forma taxes as may be due for the subsequent fiscal year, per M.G.L. c.44,
§ 63A, plus any and all recording charges and registry stamps. All payments to the Town are to be made by bank cashier’s check or certified check, unless otherwise announced. The successful bidder(s) will be required to execute a Statement of Beneficial Interest as required by M.G.L. c. 7C, § 38, a Memorandum of Sale, and a Certificate of Compliance pursuant to M.G.L. c. 60 § 77B. Upon receipt of the full payment, the Tax Title Custodian shall execute, and deliver the deed necessary to transfer the title of the Town to such property sold. The Tax Title Custodian reserves the right to reject any and all bids at said auction if of the opinion that no bid is made which approximates the fair value of the property, may withdraw the parcel being offered for sale, and may adjourn said auction for such periods as the Custodian deems expedient.
Upon receipt of the balance of the consideration the premises shall be conveyed by a Release Deed, subject to all matters of record, to this Notice of Sale, the Town of Abington’s Regulations for Auction Sale of Tax Possessions, and to the Memorandum of Sale. Upon completion of the sale and within 30 days after the receipt of the balance of the consideration, the Tax Title Custodian will provide to any former owner and other former interested parties a written notice containing an itemized accounting of the disposition of the proceeds arising from the sale, including the sale price, legal fees, auctioneer fees and advertising costs, other fees and any excess equity. The Regulations for Auction Sale are available for inspection at the office of the Town Treasurer, 500 Gliniewicz Way, Abington, MA 02351, prior to the auction date. The Memorandum of Sale will be made available for inspection on the date and time of the public auction as indicated above. Other terms and conditions may be announced at the time of the auction. OPEN HOUSE AND PREREGISTRATION BEGINS AT 2:30 O’CLOCK, P.M. Questions regarding the auction may be referred to The Zekos Group, P.O. Box 549, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, 508-842-9000, MA Lic. #104. Legal questions regarding the sale may be directed to John D. Finnegan, Esq., Hill Law, 6 Beacon St., Suite 600, Boston, MA 02108, Tel: 617-494-0800; Fax: 617-307-9010.
Date: February 24, 2025